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A Walkthrough of Nutrition and Genetic Testing

A Walkthrough of Genetic Testing @ Nourished Beginnings

Do you want to unlock the best nutrition for your child’s body and health? Let us help you get started with personalized nutrition so they can start eating according to their genes!

Here at Nourished Beginnings, we offer Nutrigenomix genetic testing packages for children. We use the 70 marker genetic test which uses a simple saliva test. This personalized information can help guide you in what foods your child should be eating, what nutrients they may be sensitive to, and any specific nutrients and supplements you should focus on getting more or less of into them.

So let’s break down the process. 

What’s involved?

  1. To begin, we will set up a 15-minute pre-genetic testing session (by phone/video chat) outlining the steps for ordering a test and completing the sample collection.

  2. We will give you an overview of the Food Frequency Questionnaire and answer any additional questions you may have.

  3. You will also receive a lab request form to give your physician for additional blood work if required. These added results will allow us to optimize the personalized nutrition.

  4. Once you have completed the consent form and all other paperwork, we will order the Nutrigenomix genetic test for you, and the kit will be shipped directly to your home.

  5. When the kit arrives it will come with a pamphlet of detailed instructions, a pre-assembled collection tube and lid for saliva, and a bag to store and ship the sample back in. It is a quick, non-invasive procedure.

  6. The test sample will then be sent back to the Nutrigenomix lab for genetic analysis.

  7. Once results are uploaded, a personalized report will be generated and sent back to Nourished Beginnings. This process takes around 2 to 3 weeks to complete. 

  8. Once we have received the personalized report, we will set up a 60-minute review session with you. Here we will discuss the test results and recommendations for foods, nutrients, and supplements moving forward. The entire report will be considered to offer high-quality recommendations. 

What about cost?

Dietitian services are often covered by insurance companies. The Nutrigenomix test can also be covered by insurance companies but it is up to the client to find this out. A receipt will be provided for both the test and the Dietitian services separately if required.

How to start?

To get started with nutrition and genetic testing, head HERE or to learn more, book a Free 15-minute Discovery Call.