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7 NON-Detox Resolutions for the Whole Family

It's January and we've all done it or thought about doing it. You and your family are feeling sluggish and run down from all the holiday cheer, lack of sleep, late nights, sweet treats, extra meals and one too many glasses of wine (you...not the kids). So, you decide enough is enough and start searching online at ways to get your families health back on track and guess what...everyone in the health and wellness space knows you're looking. You're hit with "detox" this and "water cleanse" that, "deprive yourself" here and "you're not doing enough" there.

We want you to STOP! Stop, grab our hands and let us help you climb out of the rabbit hole of crazy nutrition, health and wellness claims. Instead, tackle 1 or 2 of our 7 non-detox resolutions for the whole family.


1. FIBRE, FIBRE, FIBRE - Just Eat It!

Bloated? Stomach upset? Irregular? It's alright...we can talk about it here! We're professionals. Tummy pain or discomfort can be linked to lower amounts of fibre, less activity and fluid. It happens over the holidays, we've all been there.

What can you do? Start by adding 5-10 grams of fibre to each meal throughout the day. What does this look like? 1/2-1 cup fruits & veggies, 1/4-1/2 cup nuts & seeds, 1/2-3/4 cup beans. Keep the skin on your fruit, add bran, oatmeal, hemp, flax or chia seeds to yogurt, smoothies, cereal. Just pile it on! Kids need it too so sprinkle away and encourage!

Check out this fibre rich cook book by Mairlyn Smith, RD, for some amazing recipes and info on all the gut loving goodies!

2. DRINK, DRINK, DRINK - Fill up those bottles!

We all know we SHOULD drink more right? Well let's try to DO it. Grab the cutest motivational 1 litre water bottles you can find, fill it up and go! Add frozen fruit, chia seeds, lemon or lime wedges, whatever it takes to get you to drink. Some people like room temperature water better so try leaving a jug on the counter overnight so its ready to go in the morning. This goes for the kids too. They need fluid just as much as the next guy. Be sure to offer them a glass in the morning with breakfast, water bottles for school and a big drink when they get home from school...an after school smoothie is a great way to get fluid into them.


3. SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP - Like you mean it!

You may have found it hard for you and the kids to crawl out of bed this morning after a couple weeks of late nights, sleepovers, traveling and sleeping in like it was your job. Let's get back to your usual sleep schedule of 7-8 hours for adults and 8-10 hours for the kiddos. Try some meditative apps or music to lull you to sleep. Diffuse some calming essential oils in the bedroom. Make it dark...super dark. Try and eat your dinner 3 hours before sleep, and avoid caffeine 12 hours before, to really drop into that wonderful slumber. You will feel more energized, calmer and less stressed. Now thats worth the zzz's.


4. MOVE, MOVE, MOVE - With the precious body you have!

Did you laze around watching Hallmark Christmas movies and Netflix over the holidays? Guilty! Let's transition back into 20-30 minutes of movement today and every day going forward. You will FEEL better...in your mind and body. And guess what? What you do, your kids will model. They see you move, they move. Try some yoga at home with the Alomoves app or join a club in your area that you can get out and meet some new friends. Community and movement go hand in hand. Make sure to kick the kids outside until the sun starts to set, just like in the old days. They will come back with rosy cheeks, stories to tell and regularity (remember movement = good bowel habits = win win for everyone!).


5. LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN - Put the right stuff into your ears!

Don't we all feel better and more engaged in life when what we watch and listen to makes us FEEL good? Although wonderful, turn off the holidays tunes and start getting some motivational and inspiring words into your families ears. We like to listen to short but impactful podcasts every morning while eating breakfasts. Try listening to Justin Su'a and his Increase your Impact podcast. They are 3-5 minutes long and will make you think and energize the family for the day. Kids in our homes love it and other music and podcasts. Share yours if you have one you like.


6. PREP, PREP, PREP - Your meals & stomachs will thank you!

Planning the food you and your family will eat and enjoy for the week can save hours of time and headaches. It's a process, we get it. Not every week will be perfect but if you get into a flow of recipes and meals you and your family enjoy, just repeat those. There is nothing wrong with that. Taco Tuesday is a real thing in our homes. No deviations necessary. If you need ideas for kid friendly meals, you definitely need to try Noelle Martins new cookbook: Super Foods for Super Kids Cookbook: 50 Delicious (and Secretly Healthy) Recipes Kids Will Love to Make.


7. GRATEFUL, GRATEFUL, GRATEFUL - Practice gratitude 5 minutes a day!

There is so much to be grateful for especially over the holidays. We can often become complacent and not recognize all we have on a daily basis. It is never too early to start with a gratitude journal. We got our children of varying ages their own to begin 2020 and it has been a wonderful, quick, funny, enlightening addition to the day.


Now, which 1 or 2 will you choose tackle? Here is to a happy and healthy 2020 for you and your family. Nourished Beginnings hopes to help you get and stay that way.