Kids Sport Nutrition
Learn how to meet your active child’s nutrition needs for growth, development, maturation, performance, and recovery!
Worried your active child isn’t meeting their nutrient needs?
The world of sport nutrition can be overwhelming and we know you just want to make sure your child is fuelling properly right?
“should my child ”?
is a competitive athlete
is looking to be faster and stronger in their sport
Do you have a child who…
Are you…
lost & confused about whether or not your child needs a nutritional supplement?
If this is you, don’t struggle anymore!
Let one of our sport nutrition dietitians show you how the food you offer your child can absolutely transform their performance in their sport and teach you the tips and tricks in doing so.
Successful Fuelling 4 Active Kids
What you get:
A review of your child's current diet, nutrition and intake through computerized nutrient analysis.
Recommendations for appropriate food choices and meal/snack frequency based on
their unique schedule and preferences.
Nutrition coaching, education, and strategies.
Appropriate education materials to support the strategies given.
Potential for individualized example meal plan.
A copy of the ‘Meal Planning for Competition Weekends’ eBook guide written by Anjoli
Moggach, RD.
How does it work?
You will have FOUR virtual sessions with the dietitian over a 1-3 month time period.
First Session
(60 minutes)
Introductory consult where we discuss your child’s health history, goals, review their current food and supplement intake, and conduct a thorough assessment of them as a whole.
Sport Strategy Sessions x 2
(30 minutes)
A review and monitoring of your child’s progress with their individualized nutrition recommendations. You’ll have a plan going forward & your questions will be answered.
Final Sport Strategy Session
(30 minutes)
Review of your child’s progress and plan. You ask questions and the dietitian can make adjustments as needed. You’ll be confident with what you offer your athlete.
Your investment
Still not Sure
If you want to know more,book a free discovery call to see how the program works and get to know Angela a bit more.