Our Childhood and Pediatric Nutrition Specialists

At Nourished Beginnings we have two registered dietitians, Angela Dodge and Noelle Martin, who specialize in all things kids nutrition and health.

Angela Dodge, RD

SPECIALITIES: behavioural, mood disorders, ADHD, ADD nutrition, iron deficiency anemia, nutritional supplements

Noelle Martin, RD

SPECIALITY: Selective or Picky Eating


 here’s how we can help your child now…

Let’s collaborate through our 1:1 virtual sessions where we can really get to know your child, their specific nutrition needs and history and tailor a plan to move them through the stages of health and healing we know you want and that they deserve! The most effective way to do this is through ongoing assessments, education, and strategy adjustments through our signature programs and packages.

Take a look…

and see which packages you and your child. We can always create a custom package as well if you need that.

nutrition for better behaviour

Nutrition 4 Better Behaviour


Improve your child’s attention, mood, focus, hyperactivity or diagnosed ADHD with our proven B4 method (Building Blocks 4 Better Behaviour)

Does your child struggle with behaviour issues, attention or focus difficulties, hyperactivity or fatigue?

Have you heard there is a connection between your child's diet and nutritional status and behaviour?

Do you want to explore the possibility of nutrient deficiencies in your child that could be contributing to behaviour issues?

Do you want to use targeted, high-quality supplements to meet your child's needs?

This package is perfect for you.

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The Selective or Picky Eater


Meals should be a time to connect as a family, have fun, and nourish your bodies.
But that isn't always reality...is it?

* Are your kids asking for a snack 5 minutes after refusing a meal?
* Are tears and temper tantrums part of your family meal routine?
* Do you feel confused with how to meet your child's nutrition needs?

Then you are in the right place. Feeding kids doesn't need to feel stressful and you do not need to be a short order cook. We are here to help!


Still unsure if working with a nutrition expert is for your child?

Book a FREE 15 minute discovery call to discuss other package options and/or how meeting with a dietitian works